Saturday 18 August 2012

One of those days

Do you ever feel like there's just no point getting out of bed? That's the kind of day I've had, I was fine when I woke up then it all went down hill. It started with the washing machine not turning up ( it was supposed to have turned up yesterday, then this morning and then at half one) after two hours of nothing we rang them only to find out they had no intention of turning up as they didn't have a washing machine to replace ours so we have to wait till Monday! By the time this episode was delt with my mood had taken a nosedive and I just felt like curling up in a ball and crying. We did have a good couple of hours with friends, we went to Dedham and hired a row boat for an hour and we had a really nice time so the day wasn't a total loss. Unfortunately it couldnt last forever and we had to come home to our boiling hot flat with no garden. My husband has to work tonight so I will be stuck on my own all night and the outlook isn't great.

Just so you can understand the situation a little bit my doctor has changed my medication and so far it's not helped but most of it is side affects so hopefully things will improve. I am also signed off work whilst the change is going on for above reasons and I can't cope with the stress my job entails.

Yesterday I was out with my mum enjoying the weather and trying to distract myself from my problems when I received a phone call from work. I won't go into the details but it wasn't a pleasant call by any means and it left me in tears. Based on this and several other phone calls plus the constant abuse from customers I have decided to leave, it wasn't an easy choice as it would leave us in a difficult financial position but even my husband agreed that the job would end up destroying me.

Hopefully things will improve.

Have you had a similar experience, how do you cope in these situations? 
Feel free to comment below even if it is just to let it out.  

Friday 17 August 2012

Hello and welcome

Hello, just thought I'd start off with this little introduction as to who I am and what this blog is about.

I'm Abigail, I'm 21 and I suffer from clinical depression. I thought I would start this blog to try and help me put down what's in my head onto paper (so to speak) and to also create a space where people can see that they are not alone and maybe share their own feelings/experiences.

Now I am not a councillor nor am I a doctor, I am just an ordinary person so any advice I give, if any, or anything else for that matter is purely my own opinion. I am not looking to change the world and I am by know means an expert on depression or any other conditions, I am just living day by day and blogging as I go.

If you'd like to share your feelings or experiences then feel free to comment.

Miss Jade